Arabian Acres Metropolitan District Fees as of July 20, 2022
Monthly Water Usage Fees:
0- 3,500– $15.00/ K gal.
3,501 – 5,000 gallons – $25.00/ K gal.
5,000 < gallons – $50.00/ K gal.
Water Service Fee:
SF ¾” – $60.00/ Month
CM ¾” – $60.00/ month
CM 1” – $150.00/ month
Capital Improvement Fee:
SF ¾” – $65.00/ month
CM ¾” – $65.00/ month
CM 1” – $250.00/ month
Late Fee: $15.00/ month
Bad Check Fee: $45.00/ incident
Meter Turn on/ off Fee: $50.00/ each (after 1 free customer req.)
Disconnection of Service: $150.00
Posting Fee associated with Disconnection of Service: $50/posting
Trip and Administrative Fee associated with Disconnection of Service: $100
Tampering Fee/ Unauthorized Use: Up to $10,000
Customer Requested Meter Read: $50.00
Meter Testing/ Certification Fee: $350.00
Account Transfer Fee: $250.00
Tap Fee: $8,000/ SFE
The below Resolution established the rates, fees, and penalties for the Arabian Acres Metropolitan District.
Resolution Adopting an Amended Schedule of Rates, Fees, Penalties, and Charges